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Pokedex Kanto - nexti - 06-01-2016 Postanowiłem zrobić ten poradnik bo często ludzie się pytają o ataki danego pokemona jeśli zauważycie jakiś błąd piszcie postaram się naprawić. Jak będę miał jeszcze wolny czas to zrobię pozostałe pokemony Nazwa: Bulbasaur Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - quick attack (20) [normal] M2 - razor leaf (20) [grass] M3 - vine whip (20) [grass] M4 - headbutt (20) [normal] M5 - sleep powder (20) [grass] M6 - leech seed (22) [grass] M7 - poison powder (26) [poison] M8 - stun spore (28) [grass] M9 - solar beam (30) [grass] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Ivysaur Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - quick attack (40) [normal] M2 - razor leaf (40) [grass] M3 - vine whip (40) [grass] M4 - headbutt (40) [normal] M5 - leech seed (40) [grass] M6 - bullet seed (40) [grass] M7 - solar beam (40) [grass] M8 - sleep powder (44) [grass] M9 - stun spore (40) [grass] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Venusaur Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - quick attack (85) [normal] M2 - razor leaf (85) [grass] M3 - vine whip (85) [grass] M4 - sunny day (87) [normal] M5 - leech seed (85) [grass] M6 - bullet seed (85) [grass] M7 - solar beam (85) [grass] M8 - sleep powder (85) [grass] M9 - green power (90) [grass] M10 - leaf storm (98) [grass] Umiejêtnoci: Jazda, Cięcie, Nazwa: Charmander Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - scratch (20) [normal] M2 - ember (1) [fire] M3 - fire fang (1) [fire] M4 - fireball (24) [fire] M5 - fire fang (24) [fire] M6 - rage (28) [dragon] M7 - fire blast (30) [fire] Nazwa: Charmeleon Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - scratch (20) [normal] M2 - ember (1) [fire] M3 - flamethrower (1) [fire] M4 - fireball (40) [fire] M5 - fire fang (40) [fire] M6 - raging blast (45) [fire] M7 - fire blast (40) [fire] M8 - rage (40) [dragon] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Charizard Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - scratch (85) [normal] M2 - ember (85) [fire] M3 - flamethrower (85) [fire] M4 - fireball (85) [fire] M5 - fire fang (85) [fire] M6 - raging blast (85) [fire] M7 - fire blast (86) [fire] M8 - wing attack (90) [flying] M9 - magma storm (95) [fire] M10 - rage (85) [dragon] Umiejętnoci: Latanie Nazwa: Squirtle Typ: water Ataki: M1 - headbutt (20) [normal] M2 - bubbles (20) [water] M3 - water gun (20) [water] M4 - waterball (24) [water] M5 - aqua tail (22) [water] M6 - hydro cannon (30) [water] M7 - harden (30) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie Nazwa: Wartortle Typ: water Ataki: M1 - headbutt (40) [normal] M2 - bubbles (20) [water] M3 - water gun (20) [water] M4 - waterball (40) [water] M5 - aqua tail (40) [water] M6 - bubble blast (45) [water] M7 - hydro cannon (20) [water] M8 - harden (40) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie Nazwa: Blastoise Typ: water Ataki: M1 - headbutt (85) [normal] M2 - bubbles (20) [water] M3 - water gun (20) [water] M4 - waterball (85) [water] M5 - aqua tail (85) [water] M6 - bubble blast (85) [water] M7 - hydro cannon (20) [water] M8 - skull bash (90) [normal] M9 - hydropump (95) [water] M10 - harden (85) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie Nazwa: Caterpie Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - headbutt (1) [normal] M2 - string shot (1) [bug] M3 - bug bite (1) [bug] Nazwa: Metapod Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - string shot (10) [bug] M2 - headbutt (10) [normal] M3 - harden (12) [normal] M4 - bug bite (15) [bug] Nazwa: Butterfree Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - string shot (30) [bug] M2 - super sonic (31) [normal] M3 - headbutt (32) [normal] M4 - whirlwind (32) [flying] M5 - psybeam (36) [psychic] M6 - confusion (34) [psychic] M7 - sleep powder (36) [grass] M8 - stun spore (39) [grass] M9 - poison powder (45) [poison] Nazwa: Weedle Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - horn attack (1) [normal] M2 - string shot (1) [bug] M3 - headbutt (5) [normal] Nazwa: Kakuna Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - string shot (15) [bug] M2 - headbutt (15) [normal] M3 - bug bite (15) [bug] Nazwa: Beedrill Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - tackle (35) [normal] M2 - poison sting (35) [poison] M3 - fury cutter (35) [bug] M4 - pin missile (39) [bug] M5 - x-scissor (45) [bug] M6 - strafe (50) [normal] M7 - team attack (54) [normal] M8 - horn drill (58) [bug] Nazwa: Pidgey Typ: flying Ataki: M1 - quick attack (5) [normal] M2 - peck (5) [flying] M3 - sand attack (8) [ground] M4 - drill peck (12) [flying] Nazwa: Pidgeotto Typ: flying Ataki: M1 - quick attack (20) [normal] M2 - peck (1) [flying] M3 - whirlwind (20) [flying] M4 - drill peck (20) [flying] M5 - wing attack (20) [flying] M6 - tornado (40) [flying] Nazwa: Pidgeot Typ: flying Ataki: M1 - quick attack (65) [normal] M2 - sand attack (1) [ground] M3 - whirlwind (65) [flying] M4 - drill peck (65) [flying] M5 - wing attack (65) [flying] M6 - tornado (69) [flying] M7 - windstorm (38) [flying] M8 - super twister (38) [flying] Umiejętności: Latanie, Nazwa: Rattata Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - quick attack (1) [normal] M2 - scratch (1) [normal] M3 - bite (7) [normal] M4 - super fang (12) [normal] Nazwa: Raticate Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - quick attack (25) [normal] M2 - bite (25) [normal] M3 - bite (1) [normal] M4 - super fang (25) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Cięcie, Nazwa: Spearow Typ: flying Ataki: M1 - quick attack (10) [normal] M2 - sand attack (15) [ground] M3 - gust (13) [flying] M4 - drill peck (10) [flying] M5 - rage (10) [dragon] Nazwa: Fearow Typ: flying Ataki: M1 - quick attack (50) [normal] M2 - sand attack (50) [ground] M3 - drill peck (50) [flying] M4 - gust (50) [flying] M5 - whirlwind (50) [flying] M6 - wing attack (52) [flying] M7 - windstorm (50) [flying] M8 - rage (55) [dragon] Umiejętności: latanie Nazwa: Ekans Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - bite (15) [normal] M2 - poison fang (15) [poison] M3 - poison sting (15) [poison] M4 - acid (23) [poison] M5 - fear (23) [ghost] Nazwa: Arbok Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - bite (30) [normal] M2 - poison fang (30) [poison] M3 - poison sting (30) [poison] M4 - pin missile (38) [poison] M5 - acid (3) [poison] M6 - iron tail (40) [normal] M7 - fear (30) [poison] M8 - rage (40) [dragon] Nazwa: Pikachu Typ: electric Ataki: M1 - quick attack (25) [normal] M2 - thundershock (25) [electric] M3 - thunder wave (25) [electric] M4 - thunder bolt (24) [electric] M5 - iron tail (26) [normal] M6 - thunder (40) [electric] Umiejętności: światło, Nazwa: Raichu Typ: electric Ataki: M1 - mega punch (50) [fighting] M2 - thundershock (50) [electric] M3 - thunder wave (50) [electric] M4 - thunder bolt (50) [electric] M5 - thunder punch (50) [electric] M6 - iron tail (50) [normal] M7 - agility (50) [normal] M8 - electric storm (60) [electric] Umiejętności: światło, Nazwa: Sandshrew Typ: ground Ataki: M1 - scratch (20) [ground] M2 - sand attack (20) [ground] M3 - mud shot (20) [ground] M4 - rollout (20) [rock] M5 - shockwave (25) [ground] M6 - earthshock (30) [ground] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Cięcie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Sandslash Typ: ground Ataki: M1 - scratch (55) [ground] M2 - slash (55) [ground] M3 - mud shot (55) [ground] M4 - rollout (57) [rock] M5 - earthshock (58) [ground] M6 - fury cutter (65) [bug] M7 - shockwave (59) [ground] M8 - earthquake (70) [ground] Umiejêtnoci: Kopanie, Cięcie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Nidoran Female Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - quick attack (10) [normal] M2 - bite (10) [normal] M3 - horn attack (25) [normal] M4 - poison sting (12) [poison] M5 - poison fang (15) [poison] Nazwa: Nidorina Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - quick attack (25) [normal] M2 - bite (25) [normal] M3 - horn attack (25) [normal] M4 - poison sting (30) [poison] M5 - poison fang (30) [poison] M6 - stomp (38) [ground] Nazwa: Nidoqueen Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - quick attack (65) [normal] M2 - bite (65) [normal] M3 - horn attack (65) [normal] M4 - poison sting (65) [poison] M5 - poison fang (65) [poison] M6 - mega punch (65) [fighting] M7 - epicenter (67) [ground] M8 - stomp (69) [ground] M9 - earthshock (71) [ground] Nazwa: Nidoran Male Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - quick attack (10) [normal] M2 - bite (10) [normal] M3 - horn attack (25) [normal] M4 - poison sting (12) [poison] M5 - poison fang (15) [poison] Nazwa: Nidorino Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - quick attack (25) [normal] M2 - bite (25) [normal] M3 - horn attack (25) [normal] M4 - poison sting (30) [poison] M5 - poison fang (30) [poison] M6 - stomp (30) [ground] Nazwa: Nidoking Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - quick attack (65) [normal] M2 - bite (65) [normal] M3 - horn attack (65) [normal] M4 - poison sting (65) [poison] M5 - poison fang (65) [poison] M6 - mega punch (65) [normal] M7 - epicenter (67) [ground] M8 - stomp (69) [ground] M9 - shockwave (71) [ground] Nazwa: Clefairy Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (1) [normal] M2 - lovely kiss (1) [normal] M3 - sing (45) [normal] M4 - selfheal (28) [normal] M6 - metronome (30) [normal] Nazwa: Clefable Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (1) [normal] M2 - lovely kiss (1) [normal] M3 - metronome (30) [normal] M4 - multi-slap (45) [normal] M5 - great love (52) [normal] M6 - selfheal (45) [normal] M7 - focus (45) [normal] M8 - heal area (45) [normal] M9 - metronome (30) [normal] Nazwa: Vulpix Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - quick attack (15) [normal] M2 - iron tail (15) [normal] M3 - ember (15) [fire] M4 - flamethrower (22) [fire] M5 - flame wheel (25) [fire] Nazwa: Ninetales Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - quick attack (65) [normal] M2 - iron tail (65) [normal] M3 - ember (65) [fire] M4 - flamethrower (70) [fire] M5 - flame wheel (70) [fire] M6 - fireball (70) [fire] M7 - fire blast (77) [fire] M8 - magma storm (85) [fire] Umiejętnoci: Jazda, Nazwa: Jigglypuff Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (20) [normal] M2 - lovely kiss (20) [normal] M3 - headbutt (1) [normal] M4 - selfheal (20) [normal] M5 - hyper voice (30) [normal] M6 - metronome (12) [normal] Nazwa: Wigglytuff Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (45) [normal] M2 - lovely kiss (45) [normal] M3 - sing (45) [normal] M4 - hyper voice (45) [normal] M5 - selfheal (50) [normal] M6 - heal area (45) [normal] M7 - focus (45) [normal] M8 - melody (50) [normal] M9 - metronome (30) [normal] Nazwa: Zubat Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - super sonic (1) [normal] M2 - bite (7) [normal] M3 - poison fang (15) [poison] M4 - absorb (12) [grass] M5 - toxic (15) [poison] Nazwa: Golbat Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - super sonic (1) [normal] M2 - bite (30) [normal] M3 - poison fang (30) [poison] M4 - absorb (35) [grass] M5 - toxic (35) [poison] M6 - whirlwind (38) [flying] M7 - poisonous wing (35) [poison] Nazwa: Oddish Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - absorb (1) [grass] M2 - acid (7) [poison] M3 - leech seed (11) [grass] M4 - sleep powder (12) [grass] M5 - stun spore (10) [grass] M6 - poison powder (5) [poison] Nazwa: Gloom Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - absorb (20) [grass] M2 - acid (20) [poison] M3 - leech seed (20) [grass] M4 - petal shoot (28) [poison] M5 - poison gas (32) [poison] M6 - sleep powder (25) [grass] M7 - stun spore (35) [grass] M8 - poison powder (35) [poison] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Vileplume Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - absorb (1) [grass] M2 - leech seed (7) [grass] M3 - acid (20) [poison] M4 - petal shoot (50) [poison] M5 - poison gas (50) [poison] M6 - petal dance (50) [grass] M7 - solar beam (52) [grass] M8 - sleep powder (50) [grass] M9 - stun spore (50) [grass] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Paras Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - scratch (5) [normal] M2 - poison sting (5) [poison] M3 - slash (10) [normal] M4 - stun spore (10) [grass] M5 - poison powder (8) [poison] M6 - sleep powder (12) [grass] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Parasect Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - absorb (50) [normal] M2 - scratch (50) [poison] M3 - poison sting (50) [normal] M4 - slash (50) [normal] M5 - petal shoot (50) [poison] M6 - stun spore (50) [grass] M7 - poison powder (50) [poison] M8 - sleep powder (50) [grass] M9 - fury cutter (50) [bug] M10 - x-scissor (90) [bug] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Venonat Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - absorb (20) [normal] M2 - headbutt (20) [normal] M3 - super sonic (20) [normal] M4 - psychic (20) [psychic] M5 - poison fang (20) [poison] M6 - sleep powder (35) [grass] M7 - poison powder (35) [grass] M8 - stun spore (20) [grass] Nazwa: Venomoth Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - absorb (50) [grass] M2 - headbutt (50) [normal] M3 - super sonic (50) [normal] M4 - confusion (50) [psychic] M5 - psychic (50) [psychic] M6 - poison fang (50) [poison] M7 - sleep powder (20) [normal] M8 - poison powder (50) [grass] M9 - stun spore (50) [grass] M10 - tornado (60) [flying] Nazwa: Diglett Typ: ground Ataki: M1 - sand attack (10) [ground] M2 - slash (10) [normal] M3 - mud shot (10) [ground] M4 - mud slap (12) [ground] M5 - earthshock (15) [ground] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Dugtrio Typ: ground Ataki: M1 - sand attack (35) [ground] M2 - slash (35) [normal] M3 - mud shot (35) [ground] M4 - mud slap (35) [ground] M5 - earthshock (35) [ground] M6 - shockwave (35) [ground] M7 - earthquake (40) [ground] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Meowth Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - slash (15) [normal] M2 - scratch (15) [normal] M3 - bite (15) [normal] M4 - pay day (20) [normal] M5 - rage (25) [dragon] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Persian Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - slash (30) [normal] M2 - scratch (30) [normal] M3 - bite (30) [normal] M4 - pay day (30) [normal] M5 - fury cutter (38) [bug] M6 - fear (30) [ghost] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Psyduck Typ: water Ataki: M1 - water gun (24) [water] M2 - aqua tail (20) [water] M3 - confusion (20) [psychic] M4 - headbutt (20) [normal] Nazwa: Golduck Typ: water Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (55) [normal] M2 - water gun (55) [water] M3 - aqua tail (55) [water] M4 - waterball (55) [water] M5 - confusion (55) [psychic] M6 - psybeam (60) [psychic] M7 - psy wave (60) [psychic] M8 - mega kick (55) [fighting] M9 - strafe (60) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Mankey Typ: fighting Ataki: M1 - scratch (15) [normal] M2 - triple kick (15) [fighting] M3 - karate chop (15) [fighting] M4 - cross chop (20) [fighting] M5 - rage (22) [dragon] Nazwa: Primeape Typ: fighting Ataki: M1 - scratch (50) [normal] M2 - triple kick (50) [fighting] M3 - karate chop (50) [fighting] M4 - cross chop (54) [fighting] M5 - mega punch (56) [fighting] M6 - mega kick (54) [fighting] M7 - rage (60) [dragon] M8 - fear (60) [ghost] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Growlithe Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - bite (25) [normal] M2 - roar (25) [normal] M3 - quick attack (25) [normal] M4 - ember (25) [fire] M5 - flamethrower (25) [fire] M6 - fireball (27) [fire] M7 - rage (45) [dragon] Nazwa: Arcanine Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - bite (1) [normal] M2 - roar (1) [normal] M3 - quick attack (1) [normal] M4 - ember (80) [fire] M5 - flamethrower (80) [fire] M6 - fireball (80) [fire] M7 - fire fang (1) [fire] M8 - fire blast (82) [fire] M9 - tri flames (84) [fire] M10 - wardog (84) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Jazda, Nazwa: Poliwag Typ: water Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (5) [normal] M2 - bubbles (6) [water] M3 - water gun (20) [water] M4 - aqua tail (7) [water] M5 - hypnosis (12) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Poliwhirl Typ: water Ataki: M1 - mud shot (25) [ground] M2 - doubleslap (60) [normal] M3 - bubbles (22) [water] M4 - water gun (25) [water] M5 - mega punch (30) [fighting] M6 - hypnosis (32) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Poliwrath Typ: water Ataki: M1 - mud shot (65) [ground] M2 - waterball (65) [water] M3 - bubbles (65) [water] M4 - water gun (65) [water] M5 - dizzy punch (65) [fighting] M6 - mega punch (65) [fighting] M7 - ice punch (65) [ice] M8 - ice beam (65) [ice] M9 - hypnosis (65) [psychic] Umiejętności: Pływanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Abra Typ: psychic Ataki: M1 - confusion (15) [psychic] M2 - restore (15) [normal] M3 - psy pulse (15) [psychic] M4 - calm mind (20) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: Znikanie, wiatło, Nazwa: Kadabra Typ: psychic Ataki: M1 - psychic (47) [psychic] M2 - psy wave (48) [psychic] M3 - psy pulse (1) [psychic] M4 - confusion (45) [psychic] M5 - psychic (47) [psychic] M6 - calm mind (45) [psychic] M7 - hypnosis (45) [psychic] M8 - reflect (60) [psychic] M9 - restore (60) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: Znikanie, wiatło, Nazwa: Alakazam Typ: psychic Ataki: M1 - psychic (80) [psychic] M2 - psybeam (80) [psychic] M3 - psy pulse (80) [psychic] M4 - confusion (80) [psychic] M5 - psychic (80) [psychic] M6 - psyusion (80) [psychic] M7 - psy wave (80) [psychic] M8 - hypnosis (85) [psychic] M9 - reflect (95) [psychic] M10 - restore (95) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: Kontrola Umysłu, Znikanie, wiatło, Nazwa: Machop Typ: fighting Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (5) [normal] M2 - mega punch (5) [fighting] M3 - karate chop (5) [fighting] M4 - ground chop (24) [fighting] M5 - strafe (30) [normal] Umiejêtnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Machoke Typ: fighting Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (25) [normal] M2 - mega punch (25) [fighting] M3 - mega kick (25) [fighting] M4 - karate chop (49) [fighting] M5 - ground chop (45) [fighting] M6 - fist machine (49) [fighting] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Machamp Typ: fighting Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (65) [normal] M2 - mega punch (65) [fighting] M3 - mega kick (65) [fighting] M4 - karate chop (70) [fighting] M5 - ground chop (70) [fighting] M6 - fist machine (70) [fighting] M7 - destroyer hand (70) [fighting] M8 - strafe (70) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Bellsprout Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - razor leaf (10) [grass] M2 - vine whip (7) [grass] M3 - acid (10) [poison] M4 - slash (5) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Weepinbell Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - razor leaf (25) [grass] M2 - vine whip (20) [grass] M3 - acid (18) [poison] M4 - petal shoot (27) [poison] M5 - slash (25) [normal] M6 - stun spore (30) [grass] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Victreebel Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - razor leaf (50) [grass] M2 - vine whip (20) [grass] M3 - acid (18) [poison] M4 - petal shoot (50) [poison] M5 - slash (50) [normal] M6 - stun spore (50) [grass] M7 - leaf blade (54) [grass] M8 - sleep powder (55) [grass] M9 - leaf storm (65) [grass] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Tentacool Typ: water Ataki: M1 - acid (12) [poison] M2 - bubbles (12) [water] M3 - poison sting (15) [poison] M4 - psy pulse (17) [psychic] M5 - mud shot (19) [ground] M6 - super sonic (21) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Tentacruel Typ: water Ataki: M1 - acid (70) [poison] M2 - bubbles (50) [water] M3 - poison sting (30) [poison] M4 - waterball (75) [water] M5 - acid (75) [poison] M6 - poison sting (75) [poison] M7 - petal shoot (75) [poison] M8 - psywave (80) [psychic] M9 - psy pulse (83) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Kontrola Umysłu, Nazwa: Geodude Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - rock throw (20) [rock] M2 - sand attack (20) [ground] M3 - rock slide (20) [rock] M4 - earthshock (23) [ground] M5 - harden (25) [normal] M6 - falling rocks (30) [rock] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Graveler Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - rock throw (40) [rock] M2 - sand attack (1) [ground] M3 - rock slide (41) [rock] M4 - earthshock (40) [ground] M5 - falling rocks (50) [rock] M6 - harden (45) [normal] M7 - selfdestruct (42) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Golem Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - rock throw (70) [rock] M2 - sand attack (1) [ground] M3 - rock slide (71) [rock] M4 - rollout (35) [rock] M5 - falling rocks (75) [rock] M6 - harden (70) [normal] M7 - earthquake (73) [ground] M8 - epicenter (70) [ground] M9 - selfdestruct (75) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Ponyta Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - quick attack (20) [normal] M2 - ember (20) [fire] M3 - flamethrower (20) [fire] M4 - fireball (23) [fire] M5 - stomp (28) [ground] Umiejętnoci: Jazda, Nazwa: Rapidash Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - quick attack (50) [normal] M2 - ember (50) [fire] M3 - flamethrower (50) [fire] M4 - fireball (58) [fire] M5 - horn attack (55) [normal] M6 - stomp (63) [ground] M7 - crusher stomp (63) [ground] Umiejętnoci: Jazda, Nazwa: Slowpoke Typ: water Ataki: M1 - aqua tail (20) [water] M2 - headbutt (20) [normal] M3 - iron tail (20) [normal] M4 - waterball (18) [water] M5 - water gun (20) [water] M6 - confusion (25) [psychic] Nazwa: Slowbro Typ: water Ataki: M1 - aqua tail (20) [water] M2 - headbutt (20) [normal] M3 - iron tail (20) [normal] M4 - waterball (45) [water] M5 - water gun (45) [water] M6 - confusion (45) [psychic] M7 - psy wave (45) [psychic] M8 - psychic (55) [psychic] Nazwa: Magnemite Typ: electric Ataki: M1 - super sonic (15) [normal] M2 - thundershock (15) [electric] M3 - thunder wave (15) [electric] M4 - thunder fang (17) [electric] M6 - sonicboom (20) [normal] M7 - electric storm (28) [electric] Umiejętnoci: światło, Nazwa: Magneton Typ: electric Ataki: M1 - super sonic (40) [normal] M2 - thundershock (41) [electric] M3 - thunder wave (44) [electric] M4 - thunder bolt (45) [electric] M5 - thunder (48) [electric] M6 - electric storm (52) [electric] M7 - sonicboom (53) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: światło, Nazwa: Farfetchd Typ: flying Ataki: M1 - sand attack (40) [ground] M2 - drill peck (40) [flying] M3 - slash (40) [normal] M4 - stickmerang (44) [flying] M5 - fury cutter (38) [bug] M6 - wing attack (46) [flying] M7 - agility (1) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Doduo Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - sand attack (15) [ground] M2 - pluck (1) [flying] M3 - fury attack (13) [normal] M4 - rage (20) [dragon] M5 - strafe (20) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Jazda, Nazwa: Dodrio Typ: flying Ataki: M1 - sand attack (45) [ground] M2 - quick attack (1) [normal] M3 - fury attack (13) [normal] M4 - pluck (50) [flying] M5 - rage (50) [dragon] M6 - strafe (33) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Jazda, Nazwa: Seel Typ: ice Ataki: M1 - aqua tail (1) [water] M2 - headbutt (1) [normal] M3 - ice shards (1) [ice] M4 - ice beam (26) [ice] M5 - icy wind (28) [ice] M6 - aurora beam (40) [ice] Nazwa: Dewgong Typ: ice Ataki: M1 - aqua tail (1) [water] M2 - headbutt (1) [normal] M3 - ice shards (70) [ice] M4 - ice beam (65) [ice] M5 - icy wind (65) [ice] M6 - aurora beam (69) [ice] M7 - blizzard (65) [ice] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Grimer Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - mud shot (15) [ground] M2 - acid (6) [poison] M3 - sludge (14) [poison] M4 - mud bomb (17) [ground] M5 - petal shoot (22) [poison] M6 - harden (22) [normal] Nazwa: Muk Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - mud shot (35) [ground] M2 - acid (35) [poison] M3 - sludge (35) [poison] M4 - mud bomb (35) [ground] M5 - petal shoot (40) [poison] M6 - body slam (39) [normal] M7 - harden (47) [normal] M8 - mud explosion (47) [poison] Nazwa: Shellder Typ: ice Ataki: M1 - lick (15) [normal] M2 - super sonic (15) [normal] M3 - clamp (15) [water] M4 - bubbles (15) [water] M5 - ice beam (22) [ice] M6 - harden (18) [normal] Nazwa: Cloyster Typ: ice Ataki: M1 - lick (35) [normal] M2 - super sonic (35) [normal] M3 - clamp (35) [normal] M4 - bubbles (60) [water] M5 - ice beam (60) [ice] M6 - aurora beam (64) [ice] M7 - blizzard (64) [ice] M8 - harden (62) [normal] Nazwa: Gastly Typ: ghost Ataki: M1 - lick (20) [normal] M2 - shadow ball (20) [ghost] M3 - night shade (20) [ghost] M4 - invisible (24) [ghost] M5 - hypnosis (28) [psychic] M6 - fear (30) [ghost] Nazwa: Haunter Typ: ghost Ataki: M1 - lick (47) [normal] M2 - shadow ball (47) [ghost] M3 - night shade (47) [ghost] M4 - shadowstorm (60) [ghost] M5 - invisible (60) [ghost] M6 - dream eater (50) [ghost] M7 - hypnosis (50) [ghost] M8 - fear (45) [ghost] M9 - dark eye (45) [ghost] Umiejętnoci: Kontrola Umysłu, Nazwa: Gengar Typ: ghost Ataki: M1 - lick (80) [normal] M2 - shadow ball (80) [ghost] M3 - shadow punch (80) [ghost] M4 - night shade (84) [ghost] M5 - shadowstorm (86) [ghost] M6 - invisible (80) [ghost] M7 - dream eater (80) [ghost] M8 - hypnosis (80) [ghost] M9 - fear (86) [ghost] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, Kontrola Umysłu, Nazwa: Onix Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - sand attack (40) [ground] M2 - iron tail (40) [normal] M3 - rock throw (40) [rock] M4 - rock slide (50) [rock] M5 - earthshock (50) [ground] M6 - falling rocks (58) [rock] M7 - earthquake (58) [rock] M8 - harden (50) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Jazda, Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Drowzee Typ: psychic Ataki: M1 - headbutt (20) [normal] M2 - psybeam (30) [psychic] M3 - confusion (20) [psychic] M4 - hypnosis (30) [psychic] M5 - fear (32) [ghost] Umiejętnoci: światło, Nazwa: Hypno Typ: psychic Ataki: M1 - headbutt (20) [normal] M2 - psy wave (20) [psychic] M3 - confusion (55) [psychic] M4 - psychic (58) [psychic] M5 - dream eater (55) [ghost] M6 - hypnosis (55) [psychic] M7 - focus (45) [normal] Umiejętnoci: światło, Nazwa: Krabby Typ: water Ataki: M1 - bubbles (5) [water] M2 - mud shot (10) [ground] M3 - bubble beam (5) [water] M4 - crabhammer (13) [water] M5 - harden (13) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Cięcie, Nazwa: Kingler Typ: water Ataki: M1 - bubbles (20) [water] M2 - mud shot (20) [ground] M3 - bubble beam (20) [water] M4 - crabhammer (40) [normal] M5 - fury cutter (45) [bug] M6 - guillotine (50) [normal] M7 - harden (50) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Voltorb Typ: electric Ataki: M1 - thunder shock (10) [electric] M2 - spark (1) [electric] M3 - thunder wave (1) [electric] M4 - rollout (15) [rock] M5 - selfdestruct (20) [normal] Umiejętnoci: światło, Nazwa: Electrode Typ: electric Ataki: M1 - thunder shock (35) [electric] M2 - spark (1) [electric] M3 - thunder wave (1) [electric] M4 - rollout (35) [rock] M5 - discharge (40) [electric] M6 - electric storm (45) [electric] M7 - selfdestruct (44) [normal] M8 - charge beam (40) [electric] Umiejętnoci: światło, Nazwa: Exeggcute Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - hypnosis (8) [psychic] M2 - leech seed (20) [grass] M3 - eggbomb (60) [normal] M4 - confusion (16) [psychic] Nazwa: Exeggutor Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - psychic (48) [psychic] M2 - razor leaf (50) [grass] M3 - leech seed (80) [grass] M4 - confusion (55) [psychic] M5 - psybeam (55) [psychic] M6 - solar beam (65) [grass] M7 - stun spore (65) [grass] M8 - poison powder (55) [poison] M9 - leaf storm (55) [grass] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Cubone Typ: ground Ataki: M1 - headbutt (10) [normal] M2 - quick attack (25) [normal] M3 - earthshock (30) [ground] M4 - bone slash (31) [ground] M5 - rage (32) [dragon] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Cięcie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Marowak Typ: ground Ataki: M1 - headbutt (55) [normal] M2 - slash (55) [normal] M3 - bone club (55) [ground] M4 - bone slash (55) [ground] M5 - mud shot (55) [ground] M6 - earthshock (59) [ground] M7 - shockwave (59) [ground] M8 - rage (65) [dragon] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Cięcie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Hitmonlee Typ: fighting Ataki: M1 - triple kick (60) [fighting] M2 - mega kick (60) [fighting] M3 - mega kick (25) [fighting] M4 - mass kick (60) [fighting] M5 - rage (60) [dragon] Umiejêtnoci: Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Hitmonchan Typ: fighting Ataki: M1 - triple punch (60) [fighting] M2 - mega punch (60) [fighting] M3 - ice punch (60) [ice] M4 - thunder punch (60) [electric] M5 - fire punch (60) [fire] M6 - multi punch (60) [fighting] M7 - fist machine (60) [fighting] M8 - rage (60) [dragon] Umiejętnoci: Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Lickitung Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - lick (55) [normal] M2 - scratch (55) [normal] M3 - doubleslap (55) [normal] M4 - mega punch (55) [fighting] M5 - iron tail (55) [normal] M6 - squishy licking (60) [normal] M7 - super sonic (60) [normal] M8 - strafe (55) [normal] Nazwa: Koffing Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - mud shot (15) [ground] M2 - acid (15) [poison] M3 - headbutt (15) [normal] M4 - mud bomb (18) [ground] M5 - petal shoot (20) [poison] M6 - poison gas (20) [poison] M7 - selfdestruct (44) [normal] Nazwa: Weezing Typ: poison Ataki: M1 - mud shot (35) [ground] M2 - acid (15) [poison] M3 - headbutt (35) [normal] M4 - mud bomb (37) [ground] M5 - petal shoot (40) [poison] M6 - poison gas (49) [poison] M7 - mortal gas (45) [poison] M8 - selfdestruct (50) [normal] Nazwa: Rhyhorn Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - iron tail (30) [normal] M2 - horn attack (30) [normal] M3 - stomp (30) [ground] M4 - horn drill (35) [normal] M5 - shockwave (37) [ground] Umiejętnoci: Jazda, Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Rhydon Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - iron tail (75) [normal] M2 - horn attack (75) [normal] M3 - rock throw (75) [rock] M4 - stomp (75) [ground] M5 - horn drill (75) [normal] M6 - epicenter (78) [ground] M7 - falling rocks (78) [rock] M8 - mega horn (82) [rock] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Chansey Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - doubleslap (60) [normal] M2 - eggbomb (60) [normal] M3 - great love (60) [normal] M4 - multi-slap (60) [normal] M5 - selfheal (60) [normal] M6 - heal area (60) [normal] M7 - hyper beam (65) [normal] Nazwa: Tangela Typ: grass Ataki: M1 - absorb (50) [grass] M2 - leech seed (50) [normal] M3 - vine whip (50) [grass] M4 - super vines (58) [grass] M5 - poison powder (50) [poison] M6 - sleep powder (55) [grass] M7 - stun spore (55) [grass] Nazwa: Kangaskhan Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - bite (80) [normal] M2 - dizzy punch (80) [fighting] M3 - headbutt (80) [normal] M4 - mega punch (80) [fighting] M5 - shockwave (80) [ground] M6 - earthshock (86) [ground] M7 - epicenter (86) [ground] M8 - rage (80) [dragon] Umiejętnoci: Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Horsea Typ: water Ataki: M1 - mud shot (10) [ground] M2 - water pulse (10) [water] M3 - bubble beam (12) [water] M4 - water gun (12) [water] M5 - waterball (10) [water] Nazwa: Seadra Typ: water Ataki: M1 - mud shot (45) [ground] M2 - water pulse (6) [water] M3 - quick attack (45) [normal] M4 - bubbles (45) [water] M5 - bubble beam (45) [water] M6 - water gun (45) [water] M7 - water oath (52) [water] M8 - hydro cannon (55) [water] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Goldeen Typ: water Ataki: M1 - horn attack (30) [normal] M2 - poison sting (10) [poison] M3 - water gun (15) [water] M4 - water pulse (15) [water] M5 - aqua tail (12) [water] M6 - super sonic (18) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Seaking Typ: water Ataki: M1 - quick attack (30) [normal] M2 - poison sting (35) [poison] M3 - water gun (35) [water] M4 - water pulse (35) [water] M5 - aqua tail (35) [water] M6 - super sonic (35) [normal] M7 - horn drill (35) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Staryu Typ: water Ataki: M1 - mud shot (20) [ground] M2 - slash (15) [normal] M3 - bubbles (15) [water] M4 - water gun (20) [water] M5 - waterball (22) [water] M6 - restore (30) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Starmie Typ: water Ataki: M1 - mud shot (40) [ground] M2 - slash (35) [normal] M3 - bubbles (35) [water] M4 - water gun (35) [water] M5 - waterball (35) [water] M6 - psybeam (42) [psychic] M7 - thunder wave (42) [electric] M8 - restore (35) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Mr.Mime Typ: psychic Ataki: M1 - lovely kiss (60) [normal] M2 - psychic (60) [psychic] M3 - psychic (60) [psychic] M4 - psyusion (60) [psychic] M5 - reflect (60) [psychic] M6 - mimic wall (60) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: swiatło, Nazwa: Scyther Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - quick attack (80) [normal] M2 - slash (80) [normal] M3 - wing attack (80) [flying] M4 - fury cutter (85) [bug] M5 - acid shot (90) [poison] M6 - x-scissor (90) [bug] M7 - agility (90) [normal] M8 - team attack (90) [normal] M9 - dancing blade (90) [bug] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Jynx Typ: ice Ataki: M1 - slash (75) [normal] M2 - doubleslap (75) [normal] M3 - psy wave (75) [psychic] M4 - ice punch (75) [ice] M5 - icy wind (75) [ice] M6 - ice beam (75) [ice] M7 - aurora beam (75) [ice] M8 - blizzard (81) [ice] M9 - great love (83) [normal] Nazwa: Electabuzz Typ: electric Ataki: M1 - quick attack (80) [normal] M2 - thunder punch (80) [electric] M3 - thunder shock (80) [electric] M4 - thunder fang (80) [electric] M5 - thunder wave (80) [electric] M6 - zap cannon (84) [electric] M7 - electric storm (88) [electric] Umiejętnoci: światło, Nazwa: Magmar Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - scratch (80) [normal] M2 - fire punch (80) [fire] M3 - ember (80) [fire] M4 - flamethrower (80) [fire] M5 - fireball (80) [fire] M6 - fire blast (80) [fire] M7 - magma storm (80) [fire] M8 - raging blast (85) [fire] M9 - fire fang (85) [fire] M10 - ring of fire (90) [fire] Nazwa: Pinsir Typ: bug Ataki: M1 - scratch (45) [normal] M2 - bug bite (45) [bug] M3 - slash (45) [normal] M4 - x-scissor (50) [bug] M5 - fury cutter (53) [bug] M6 - guillotine (50) [normal] M7 - harden (50) [normal] M8 - rage (60) [dragon] Umiejętnoci: Cięcie, Nazwa: Tauros Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - headbutt (45) [normal] M2 - quick attack (45) [normal] M3 - horn attack (45) [normal] M4 - hyper beam (50) [normal] M5 - stomp (51) [ground] M6 - rage (45) [dragon] M7 - fear (45) [ghost] Umiejętnoci: Jazda, Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Magikarp Typ: water Ataki: M1 - splash (5) [water] Nazwa: Gyarados Typ: water Ataki: M1 - water pulse (75) [water] M2 - bite (75) [normal] M3 - aqua tail (75) [water] M4 - waterball (75) [water] M5 - hydro cannon (78) [water] M6 - dragon breath (80) [dragon] M7 - hyper beam (85) [normal] M8 - hydropump (90) [water] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Lapras Typ: ice Ataki: M1 - horn attack (80) [normal] M2 - ice beam (80) [ice] M3 - ice shards (80) [ice] M4 - ice wave (80) [ice] M5 - waterball (80) [water] M6 - aurora beam (80) [ice] M7 - blizzard (80) [ice] M8 - ice power (90) [ice] M9 - ice storm (90) [ice] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Ditto Typ: normal Ataki:po przemianie Nazwa: Eevee Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - sand attack (20) [ground] M2 - quick attack (20) [normal] M3 - bite (20) [normal] M4 - headbutt (24) [normal] M5 - iron tail (28) [normal] M6 - great love (35) [normal] M7 - agility (1) [normal] Nazwa: Vaporeon Typ: water Ataki: M1 - quick attack (55) [normal] M2 - bite (55) [normal] M3 - water gun (55) [water] M4 - bubble beam (55) [water] M5 - water pulse (55) [water] M6 - mud shot (55) [ground] M7 - aurora beam (55) [ice] M8 - hydro cannon (65) [water] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Jolteon Typ: electric Ataki: M1 - quick attack (55) [normal] M2 - bite (55) [normal] M3 - thunder wave (55) [electric] M4 - thunder fang (55) [electric] M5 - thunder wave (55) [electric] M6 - pin missile (55) [bug] M7 - zap cannon (44) [electric] M8 - thunder (65) [electric] Umiejętnoci: światło, Nazwa: Flareon Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - quick attack (55) [normal] M2 - bite (55) [normal] M3 - flamethrower (55) [fire] M4 - fireball (24) [fire] M5 - flame wheel (70) [fire] M6 - raging blast (55) [fire] M7 - fire fang (1) [fire] M8 - fire blast (65) [fire] Nazwa: Porygon Typ: psychic Ataki: M1 - super sonic (40) [normal] M2 - psybeam (40) [psychic] M3 - psy wave (42) [psychic] M4 - psychic (45) [psychic] M5 - icy wind (45) [ice] M6 - zap cannon (45) [electric] M7 - focus (50) [normal] M8 - restore (40) [psychic] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, Znikanie, światło, Nazwa: Omanyte Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - bite (20) [normal] M2 - rock throw (20) [rock] M3 - waterball (20) [water] M4 - water gun (24) [water] M5 - mud shot (26) [ground] M6 - harden (20) [normal] M7 - ancient power (35) [rock] Nazwa: Omastar Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - bite (80) [normal] M2 - falling rocks (80) [rock] M3 - hydro cannon (80) [water] M4 - rollout (80) [rock] M5 - hydropump (85) [water] M6 - epicenter (85) [ground] M7 - harden (85) [normal] M8 - horn drill (95) [rock] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Nazwa: Kabuto Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - scratch (20) [normal] M2 - bubbles (20) [water] M3 - slash (20) [normal] M4 - mud shot (25) [ground] M5 - harden (30) [normal] M6 - absorb (12) [grass] M7 - ancient power (35) [rock] Nazwa: Kabutops Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - rock throw (80) [rock] M2 - bubbles (80) [water] M3 - slash (80) [normal] M4 - fury cutter (80) [bug] M5 - mud shot (80) [ground] M6 - harden (80) [normal] M7 - epicenter (80) [ground] M8 - x-scissor (80) [bug] M9 - ancient power (85) [rock] Umiejętnoci: Pływanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Aerodactyl Typ: rock Ataki: M1 - whirlwind (110) [flying] M2 - sand attack (100) [ground] M3 - earthquake (110) [ground] M4 - epicenter (90) [ground] M5 - rock throw (100) [rock] M6 - rock slide (100) [rock] M7 - rage (100) [dragon] M8 - wing attack (100) [flying] M9 - falling rocks (105) [rock] M10 - hyper beam (105) [normal] M11 - ancient power (95) [rock] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, Nazwa: Snorlax Typ: normal Ataki: M1 - string shot (85) [bug] M2 - bite (85) [normal] M3 - stomp (85) [ground] M4 - mega punch (85) [fighting] M5 - headbutt (85) [normal] M6 - body slam (89) [normal] M7 - epicenter (86) [ground] M8 - rest (85) [normal] M9 - multi punch (86) [fighting] M10 - rage (87) [dragon] Umiejêtnoci: Pływanie, Kopanie, Rozłupywanie skał, Nazwa: Articuno Typ: ice Ataki: M1 - ice shards (120) [ice] M2 - drill peck (110) [flying] M3 - ice wave (110) [ice] M4 - twister (100) [dragon] M5 - blizzard (115) [ice] M6 - ice power (125) [ice] M7 - icy wind (120) [ice] M8 - ice storm (120) [ice] M9 - aurora beam (120) [ice] M10 - heal area (85) [normal] M11 - tornado (106) [flying] M12 - wing attack (100) [flying] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, Nazwa: Zapdos Typ: electric Ataki: M1 - thunder shock (100) [electric] M2 - drill peck (110) [flying] M3 - thunder wave (110) [electric] M4 - wing attack (100) [flying] M5 - zap cannon (128) [electric] M6 - electric storm (120) [electric] M7 - tornado (106) [flying] M8 - thunder fang (200) [electric] M9 - charge beam (40) [electric] M10 - spark (1) [electric] M11 - heal area (85) [normal] M12 - windstorm (106) [flying] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, Nazwa: Moltres Typ: fire Ataki: M1 - fire wave (110) [fire] M2 - drill peck (110) [flying] M3 - ember (80) [fire] M4 - flamethrower (80) [fire] M5 - fireball (100) [fire] M6 - fire blast (80) [fire] M7 - magma storm (80) [fire] M8 - raging blast (85) [fire] M9 - fire fang (85) [fire] M10 - tornado (106) [flying] M11 - heal area (85) [normal] M12 - wing attack (100) [flying] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, Nazwa: Dratini Typ: dragon Ataki: M1 - aqua tail (20) [water] M2 - hyper beam (50) [normal] M3 - thunder wave (60) [electric] M4 - dragon breath (35) [dragon] Nazwa: Dragonair Typ: dragon Ataki: M1 - headbutt (40) [normal] M2 - aqua tail (40) [water] M3 - thunder wave (40) [electric] M4 - dragon breath (40) [dragon] M5 - twister (40) [dragon] M6 - hyper beam (40) [normal] M7 - hyper beam (40) [normal] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, Nazwa: Dragonite Typ: dragon Ataki: M1 - ember (100) [fire] M2 - aqua tail (100) [water] M3 - thunder wave (100) [electric] M4 - thunder punch (100) [electric] M5 - fire punch (100) [fire] M6 - dragon claw (100) [dragon] M7 - dragon breath (100) [dragon] M8 - twister (104) [dragon] M9 - wing attack (102) [flying] M10 - hyper beam (105) [normal] M11 - rage (110) [dragon] M12 - hydropump (56) [water] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, Nazwa: Mewtwo Typ: psychic Ataki: M1 - psychic (100) [psychic] M2 - shadow ball (80) [ghost] M3 - fire wave (85) [fire] M4 - metronome (85) [normal] M5 - heal area (85) [normal] M6 - psybeam (110) [psychic] M7 - reflect (105) [psychic] M8 - water oath (52) [water] M9 - magma storm (80) [fire] M10 - psychicmewtwo (112) [psychic] M11 - raging blast (85) [fire] M12 - shadowstorm (115) [ghost] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, Nazwa: Mew Typ: psychic Ataki: M1 - psychic (100) [psychic] M2 - shadow ball (80) [ghost] M3 - ancient power (110) [rock] M4 - iceball (95) [ice] M5 - heal area (85) [normal] M6 - psybeam (110) [psychic] M7 - reflect (105) [psychic] M8 - skull bash (130) [ghost] M9 - psy pulse (123) [psychic] M10 - psychicmew (112) [psychic] M11 - ice power (125) [ice] M12 - shadowstorm (115) [ghost] Umiejętnoci: Latanie, RE: Pokedex Kanto - MasterJan - 06-01-2016 Supcio ten spis RE: Pokedex Kanto - psychol - 06-01-2016 Kopiuj/wklej z Pokedexa ale jest ok RE: Pokedex Kanto - nexti - 06-01-2016 No a na jakiej innej zasadzie to zrobić? XD ale jeszcze zamienialem na polskie znaki i usuwałem evolucje RE: Pokedex Kanto - Regis - 07-01-2016 Brakuje kilku pokemonów, ale ogólnie poradnik jest dobry. RE: Pokedex Kanto - nexti - 07-01-2016 Są wszystkie z kanto (1liga) ;_; i dzięki RE: Pokedex Kanto - Ashba - 07-01-2016 Good Job! RE: Pokedex Kanto - nexti - 07-01-2016 Ooo jak od prezesa pochwałę dostałem to ... RE: Pokedex Kanto - slawek505 - 08-01-2016 Nice + |